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Sacramento Country Day School

Social Emotional Learning

Life Skills & SEL Classwork

The curriculum and lessons use the Second Step curriculum and are developmentally appropriate for each grade level.  Each year’s subject matter builds on the content of the previous year.

Taking part in class discussions, studying video clips and movies, engaging in self-reflection activities, exploring current events, and designing and resolving role-play situations are samples of lesson strategies. Practicing self-compassion, mindful habits, and self reflection are embedded in all levels of SEL.

Examples of content:

  • In 6th grade: friendship, kindness, gratitude, setting goals, self-advocacy, emotional awareness, cooperation and communication, current events, and stereotyping.

  • In 7th grade: building self-esteem, civilized disagreement, anti-bullying, social media safety, setting goals, self-management, perspective, current events, bias and blind spots, and listening for content and feeling.

  • In 8th grade: conflict management, identifying/exploring risky behaviors, exploring self through a variety of self evaluations, current events, healthy relationships, growth versus fixed mindset, digital citizenship, and bias and prejudice.

Sacramento Country Day follows the structure and content of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.  “The CASEL 5 addresses five broad and interrelated areas of competence and highlights examples for each: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.”

Advisory Connections
Middle School advisory provides students with a faculty mentor who serves as the primary liaison between school and home. Advisors have roughly twelve advisees with whom they meet every day during the afternoon. This may be a time for a study period under the guidance of a teacher and also a time to build friendships and group spirit, discuss important topics and timely issues, build community responsibility in the Middle School, and participate in community service. During the advisory period, the entire Middle School may gather for a Town Hall meeting and for follow-up activities in our social/emotional program several additional days during a month.


Tiffany Fisher

Middle & High School Learning Specialist
