Student Support
"The ARC helped me so much; teaching me how to take notes and how to balance school and home life. School isn’t something I have to dread- it's something I can be looking forward to." - Aiden '24
Country Day provides multiple layers of individualized academic and emotional support for students through small class sizes with compassionate teachers, dedicated advisors, student support teams, a professionally staffed Academic Resource Center, and full-time social-emotional counseling.
Small class sizes and dedicated, compassionate teachers allow for authentic and appropriate relationships between students and subject area instructors. Every student has 4-5 daily connections with a caring adult who constantly assesses the students' academic understanding, emotional safety, and growth areas.
Faculty Advisors meet weekly with small groups of students to provide another touchpoint and layer of support. Faculty advisors work closely with students to set academic goals, to evaluate progress, and to create multi-year academic plans.
Student Support Teams, consisting of grade-level faculty, the Dean of Students, the Learning Specialist, the Social-emotional Counselor, and the Head of High School meet weekly to assess students’ academic and emotional needs and to implement appropriate support plans.
The Academic Resource Center is professionally staffed and provides an intentional space for students to work individually or in small groups with the learning specialist. Available through scheduled appointments or drop in study sessions, the learning specialist tailors academic support to meet the needs of all our students.
Our Full-time Social and Emotional Counselor runs small group sessions focusing on compassionate action and emotional first aid for all students. Individual students meet privately with the counselor when appropriate and when needed.
Country Day’s layers of student support fulfill our commitment to inspire and engage a diverse community of learners in a compassionate and safe environment.