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Sacramento Country Day School

Program Overview

The Country Day High School Program begins with a base level of outstanding academic competency and then provides the flexibility, time, support, and expertise for students to shine as their unique, powerful selves. 

The Country Day High School experience uniquely builds on a base of core first and second year courses and then expands to classes for individual strengths and interests in the third and fourth years.

Through their first and second years, our students share humanities and science courses which lead to a high level of community competency in writing, reading comprehension, original research, global and historical perspectives, and scientific understanding of physics and chemistry. 

Beyond the six required courses, our schedule intentionally creates space and opportunity for students to pursue their interests and passions. Students can select from a wide range of UC articulated courses, ranging from introductory level to beyond the Advanced Placement programs, that build towards medicine, law, computer science, engineering, art, or any number of unique combinations of interests. Much like in a college or university setting, very few juniors and seniors take the same schedule as students explore advanced topics and survey courses based on their specific interests.

Flexibility and Choice

Our schedule intentionally provides space for students to reach extraordinary depths in subject areas of their passion. Choice blocks, Free periods and Flex time allow students to work off campus at internships with Sacramento State University, meet individually with teachers to solidify skills, excel in athletics, and to have space to take courses that go well beyond the traditional Advanced Placement model through our Advanced Topics programs. 

Our academic support team, student advisors, and every classroom teacher use the space in our schedule to guide students towards their full potential. Country Day students excel in unique ways, and our program centers around individual paths of excellence whether in the STEM labs, humanities seminars, in the art studios, on the athletic fields, in the newspaper room, on the music stage, in a student-led club, or in one of other many places for greatness around our campus and in our community.

Class Highlight: AP Biology

Recently, AP Biology worked to develop a genetics lab in collaboration with, who generously donated 12 Dog DNA kits. DNA samples were collected from the dogs of Country Day and analyzed by to determine the dogs' breed(s) and physical and behavioral characteristics. Juniors Radha C., Garrett X., and Ava E. worked with Dr. Whited to develop a genetics lab based on the Ancestry Dog DNA kits that will now be shared on Ancestry Classroom, as a resource for other high school teachers to use in their classrooms. One behavioral trait was found to be common among all of the dogs of Country Day, they're all 100% good dogs!