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Sacramento Country Day School

Visual Arts

The Country Day Art Department is composed of two full-time teachers and two part-time teachers who teach art to students in Pre-K through 12th grade. The Lower School art teachers create several projects throughout the year, and lessons include both studio processes and an introduction to concepts from art history. 

Middle and High School classes include both 2D and 3D media and are offered as Electives within each division. Offerings for Middle School can include Drawing, Ceramics, Studio Art, Eco Art, Fashion, Knitting, Digital Photography, 3D Modeling, Video Making, Sound Production and Crafting & Culture Around the World. In High School, our artists select classes from Studio Art, AP Studio Art: 2-D Design, Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Digital Design.

Within these classes, students explore ideas and media while developing ever more sophisticated skills in areas which include drawing, painting, design, printmaking, jewelry design & construction, ceramics, sculpture, and architectural design & construction, depending on the grade level. Advanced Topics Art History, a year-long college survey class, is offered as an academic class through the History Department in the High School.

Andy Cunningham

Middle & High School Art


Alma Ponce

Lower School Art


Melissa Uroff

Middle & High School Art
