During Thanksgiving break, third grader Jamison T. was able to make a significant contribution to our Sacramento community. He dropped off a huge load of clothing donations to Herman Leimbach Elementary School. The administration there is starting a clothing closet for the students in need, so this helped their cause significantly, and they were very impressed and appreciative.
In addition, Jamison was able to drop off coats and warm clothing to Loaves and Fishes. These donations came from their church, where Jamison attended a meeting with the church leadership to launch the idea, and upon approval, he went around to the different classes to announce he was collecting items and his goal of 400 items. The church really turned out, and he was able to donate more than 650 items.
Congratulations to Jamison! His work is so inspiring and fits right into our Country Day Habit of Helping, which has been a major part of our mission for years.