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Sacramento Country Day School

DEL Lab School Award

DEL Lab School Award

Under the expert instruction of Ashlie Kirby, Country Day Lower School has been selected as a Dance Education Laboratory (DEL) Lab School recipient! We are thrilled Ashlie’s work has been recognized as innovative and inspiring work in dance education, bringing the DEL model to life in her classroom.

DEL’s comprehensive curriculum equips dance educators with the tools they need to succeed in the dance classroom, and Ashlie decided to become a Dance Educator after taking the DEL Foundations course with the founder, Jody Arnhold, in 2008. A few years ago, Ashlie was invited back to take their Facilitators in Training program, and she has even since done some teaching for them (Professional Development for High School Educators). 

We are excited about this recognition for Ashlie Kirby, and the Music & Movement program at Country Day.