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Sacramento Country Day School

Campus Life

From student government to theatrical productions, musical groups to athletic teams,  opportunities to join, volunteer, participate, and play are plentiful. At Country Day, students choose from a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities to explore and develop talents and interests outside academics.

Distinctive to our Pre-K through 12th grade student body is the friendly and collegial interaction between different grades for social and, in some cases, academic activities. Buddy systems between Lower School classes are in place for projects, Middle School helpers work with Lower School classes, and High School students escort young students to the gym for sports rallies.

PhUn Week (Physiology Understanding Week) is an annual collaboration between Sacramento Country Day, CSUS and APS (American Physiological Society) led by Country Day High School Science Teacher and Department Chair, Dr. Kellie Whited, and Sac State physiology professor (and former SCDS faculty), Dr. Robin Altman. These inspirational teachers bring physiology lessons to the lower school classes through activities and experiments that are really colorful and kinetic. They also bring dissection and animal specimens for the kiddos to explore. Our high school research interns also pitch in and help on many lessons.

Student Leadership

We believe in helping students find their unique voices. Leadership opportunities at every age encourage them to speak for themselves as well as their peers, and listen to others while working collaboratively toward goals.

Leadership opportunities abound in Lower School! With classroom roles in place in most grades, first graders lead morning meetings, second graders practice greeting prospective families, third and fourth grade students participate in regular cooperative learning projects, and fifth grade leaders form a rotating team to present at Friday Morning Assemblies and also mentor second grade buddies.

Middle School Student Council members represent all three grades and participate in campus events, promotion, dance planning, raising funds for community service, and planning service projects.

Council members are elected by the High School student body to lead community service projects, school celebrations, and student fundraising activities.

Service Learning and Community Service

A commitment to instill in our children the values of integrity, empathy and respect for others, and to share responsibility for a better world is at the foundation of Country Day’s “Habit of Helping.”